See Alex Collier LIVE!

Alex Collier

Alex is hosting his FORTY-SIXTH 90-minute LIVE webinar including Questions and Answers.

This webinar will include subjects: Being in observer mode while observing the current affairs.

Exclusively live and hosted by in conjunction with a subsidiary of

Friday, December 1, 2017
2pm EST. 1pm CST. 12pm MST. 11am PST

Do not miss this exciting opportunity to see Alex Collier LIVE online.



 Tickets Are Just $12.

 All proceeds go directly to Alex Collier!

IMPORTANT: When signing up for the webinar you must PAY via PayPal and then follow the instructions. When you have paid via PayPal, please click the BUTTON ‘CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE YOUR WEBINAR REGISTRATION'. This will allow you to submit your name and email to the webinar system. Do not leave the page before clicking this link and entering your details or you will not be registered for the webinar. If you are using a mobile or tablet please enter ‘DESKTOP VIEW'. If you have signed up and not received an email confirmation and URL to the webinar within 15 minutes, then please contact us.

You will receive an email with the webinar link as well as a webinar room password. Please enter the webinar room password to access the webinar just before the webinar begins.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure you purchase your ticket to the webinar in plenty of time just in case you have an issue with your webinar sign up. If you sign up within 2 hours of the webinar start and have problems accessing the webinar, it may not be possible to issue access until the webinar has concluded. In such circumstances, replays will be available. If this occurs, please contact us as soon as possible including your PayPal payment information for verification purposes.

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Alex Collier – Webinar 46 – December 1, 2017 – VOD

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Alex Collier – Webinar 45 – November 17, 2017 – VOD


    • Michael
    • December 2, 2017

    I totally agree, now there is a new cryptocurrency, and constant promotion of new technologies. Personally, I like technology but in small doses. The question is how to live without money? For what to buy clothes and keep on going. Where to get money and stop being used by other people. This is a challenge.

  1. Reply

    Looking foward to it, thanks alot to everyone.

    Just like the title entails, Be an observer during the current affairs.

    No matter where you turn, – all over the place, the powers at be whats everyone’s undivided attention to all of this b.s. and they are doing a very good job at it.

    That what you to focus all of this b.s. and go nuts.

    It is now time to turn off the stupid Television’s, phones,etc, look the other way around and think for yourself, Clear your mind everyone, very important at this time to stay within your hearts at all times, do NOT buy into fear, as this will drop your vibration down and won’t go through the ascension process.

    Something is working, if they are spilling all this out of desperation, then clearly us humanity is on the right track.

    Try to stay connected to Source at all times, along with your soul, Try not to be dependent on stupid technology and material stuff, now is the time to look within yourself, conquer your fears, and proceed to the new vibration we are moving into.

    Thanks a Bunch.


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    For some reason, my comment ain’t showing up.

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