Alex Collier – Webinar 22 – December 2, 2016 – VOD


Alex Collier was live via video stream on December 2, 2016. His TWENTY-SECOND 90 minute LIVE webinar including over thirty minutes of questions and answers. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee from (a subsidiary of Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday December 2, 2016 at 2pm EST.

Alex Collier discusses many topics in this webinar including: Current State of the Earth and Solar System.

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring your Alex Collier regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video stream and of course provide him with some income.

The webinar replay is just $3.69 for 72 hour rental or just $9.87 for unlimited rental and download. You can pay with credit or debit card or PayPal.

Alex Collier – Webinar 22 – December 2, 2016 from LWO (c/o James Harkin) on Vimeo.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You can Afford will be Appreciated

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA


Or available Individually. With Video, Audio and PDF Transcript Available… 


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    • Thames
    • December 10, 2016

    Dimensional Vortex, I would like to discuss something with you in private. Do you have an email address that I can contact you with ?

    1. Reply

      If you can, go to my youtube channel and then send me a message, thanks.

      If that doesn’t work, please reply here again.

      In the meantime, please view my youtube channel, tons of important info there, absolutely no games on my channel, there might be some music stuff but for the most part, its to help people during this transition, I am trying to awake the starseeds and other people like and to try awaken their true heritage in the cosmos and also equal as important, awaken to their true self, I don’t know If I am doing a good job, my health isn’t all that good but I do train at the gym 7 days a week, I have extremely strong determination, will power and focus ability, really all that matters in the end.

      Thanks for the reply friend.

    2. Reply

      Hello thames, Still waiting for the email through youtube.

      If you need to email asap, feel free to email me with any questions @:

      Whats your email?

  1. Reply

    Very good webinar.

    I agree on what he was saying about the material part, not many people are not going to make this transition, so technology dependent, luxury, cars, houses,etc,etc, those people are going to go BRUTALLY insane because they can not make the transition fast enough as some people can.

    The real technology is up here(The human Brain), I know through first hand experience on my chakra’s,etc being opened up years ago.

    They say we only use 8-10% of the human brains potential, I highly disagree, more like less then 3-5% at most and why is that???

    All this technology that we see now, we are forgetting who we are, we are becoming so disconnected from each other and who we really are, as souls, as beings, not only that, we are totally being disconnected from the earth herself and nature.

    I want everyone to make this through but I only see, based on observing everything on this planet, extremely small portion of people.

    We simply can not go up in space/universe while we can’t even maintain/protect our own planet, can’t even trust one another, yet alone, watch other people’s back and treat nature with more respect, all of this while taking unconditional responsibility for oneself, we must do this, there is no exceptions.

    “No Manned craft from Earth will be allowed to land on local planets until you have outgrown your bad warlike instincts and are ready to live in Universal Brotherhood”

    -Koredians/Bob Renaud(Contactee)

    Here’s couple quotes taken from the book Behold the pale horse by William M. Cooper, The very first man to really awaken my soul pretty much.

    “We must learn to accept individual responsibility for the world’s problems or be willing to live by the terms of those who do. We must learn to love one another, share, deplore violence, and work with nature, not against it. We must do all of this while colonizing the universe. We must be prepared in the process to peacfully meet and deal with extraterrestrial intelligence. I believe they exist”

    -William M. Cooper

    “Nothing on earth can change this except a tremendous reduction and stabilization of the population. Without starseed this reduction and stabilization would one delay the inevitable, as eventually all raw materials will be completely depleted. A never-ending source of free energy will then be needed. That may be possible but is unlikely to solve the problem. Without some central common need that would bind man together, a source of free energy would most likely result in total anarchy. So you see, what was needed in the beginning is still needed in the end. A paradigm shift in the evolutionary consciousness of man coupled with starseed is the most logical answer for the human race”

    -William M. Cooper

    1. Reply

      For some reason, link to my channel is not working.

      If you all want to visit:

      Thanks alot.

    • Viv
    • December 7, 2016

    Thank you, Alex, JayPee and James. Another excellent webinar! I’m already looking forward to the next one.

    • Jan Heddaeus
    • December 6, 2016


    Thank you for the wonderful gift so close to the Holidays. I pray you and your have a glorious Holiday as well.


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