CANCELLED! – New LIVE Alex Collier Interview on Sunday 11th November 2012…

THIS INTERVIEW HAS NOW BEEN CANCELLED! – Alex Collier will be participating in a two hour LIVE interview on Ever Beyond with Jay Perron on Wolf Spirit Radio on Sunday 11th November 2012 at 11pm to 1am GMT (3pm EST to 6pm PST). Please share this post and let everyone know.

Please bookmark the Ever Beyond website

There will be a chat room available for questions and discussion at the above link.
If you wish to submit a question prior to the show, please click here.
We cannot guarantee all questions will be asked since there will be many for a two hour radio show.

For those who cannot make it, I will link to the .mp3 or YouTube video when it is released.

Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated

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  1. Reply


    • M
    • November 10, 2012

    I was soo looking forward for this interview. I always wanted to hear more from Alex, knowing he is retired from this now, idk who else to listen to. Alex can’t be replaced in my perspective. He’s a great guy.
    But I understand, he wants to be with the family and work it up, catch up and all. You’re a awesome person Alex and thank you James for this website.
    All Loves.

      • Daniel McCray
      • November 16, 2012

      it is good to listen to the contactees information but it is also important to put the contactees infomration into action. you do not need to listen to Alex but what you can do is take what you ahve learned form Alex and spread the word. i honestly think if there were more people out there talking about this information, alex might have been able to avert these troubles.

    • Stuart
    • November 10, 2012

    It’s disappointing this interview has been canceled at such short notice. Did someone threaten Alex?

    (ED: Please read this post: thank you.)

      • Daniel McCray
      • November 12, 2012

      he has not only been threatened but also his family is getting it as well. he is goign to be retireing form the public arena to recover his life and be with his family. He might be speaking for a while if he chosses to ever to speak anymore.

    • Zac
    • November 9, 2012

    I agree with Daniel McCrya we do need to do something, please inform what can be done to help.
    Deep care and love to you Alex.

    • sam
    • November 8, 2012

    What happened to the recent emails from Alex?

    (ED: I was told to remove them.)

    • Daniel McCrya
    • November 8, 2012

    just to let you guys know he might be able to do with his current finacial condition. he is really in trouble and we really need to do something.

    • Stuart
    • November 8, 2012

    Looking forward to this…is it still going ahead?
    I hope so.

    • Daniel McCray
    • November 7, 2012

    He really does not deserve to suffer. All the people that are just sitting around calling someone a nutter just for speaking about something they are not familure with. I have seen him in his lectures and his interveiws and he is telling the truth. People who are trying their damndest to prevent him from telling the world about the information.

    • M
    • November 5, 2012

    I always enjoy listening to your lectures/interviews, Alex… You don’t know how many times I have watched and listen to them. Alex, I see you as a great friend, though we haven’t met, but i consider you one. I am the percentages that do care.

    • paul
    • November 5, 2012

    yes! yes! yes!

    • Juan
    • November 5, 2012

    I have a question in regards to the breeding program started in the 70’s with a certain species re-introducing Neanderthal genes into modern females. Why did they initiate that and whats the purpose?

    (Ed: If you wish to submit questions prior to the show on Ever Beyond on Sunday 11th November, please submit your questions via this page: thank you.)

    • Michael
    • November 4, 2012


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