Nibiru Cataclysm Imminent: Interview with Dr. Ronald Shimschuck

Alex has asked me to post this interview with Dr. Ronald Shimschuck on Nibiru:


Nibiru Cataclysm Imminent: Interview with Dr. Ronald Shimschuck

Last week, Dr. Ronald Shimschuck provided exclusive information on the impending Nibiru crisis, a situation worldwide governments are desperate to conceal while discrediting–and in some cases disappearing–all credible whistle blowers. Naturally, those with genuine scientific knowledge have been reluctant to speak on the record about Nibiru, also referred to as Planet X.  Lately, however, several professional astronomers have risen from the shadows to voice their concerns regarding Nibiru and its potential effects on planet earth. One can only speculate as to why, now, after all these years, prolific members of the scientific community are choosing to disclose “highly classified” information at great risk to their safety, and in doing so also place their loved ones in a perilous position. Please take the time to read the article, Nibiru Is Near, says Astrophysicist Ronald Shimschuck, published on 8 May 2016.

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    • Tantarum
    • June 2, 2016

    Nice to see you up and running, Alex.


    • Alex G.
    • May 22, 2016

    Is Ronald Shimschuck a real person of a fake pseudonym? Some says he is a M.I.T graduate, but I can’t find anything.

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