Alex Collier Information

Helical Model of Us Crossing The Galactic Plane

Alex Collier wished to share with us all the Helical Model of Us Crossing The Galactic Plane. What are your thoughts?

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September Webinar Replay Now Available!

Alex Collier

Alex hosted his second 90 minute LIVE webinar including Questions and Answers.

Monday 14th September 2015

Webinar Replay Available

 Alex Collier Webinar Special

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Alex Collier – Webinar – August 14, 2015 – VOD

For the first time since 2012 Alex Collier was live via video stream. His first 90 minute LIVE webinar including thirty minutes of questions and answers. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee from (a subsidiary of Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday 14th August 2015 at 2pm EST. It is not to be missed.

All funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video stream and of course provide him with a little income to help him get back on his feet.

The webinar replay is just $3.69 for 72 hour rental or just $9.87 for unlimited rental and download. You can pay with credit or debit card or PayPal. All funds (less transaction fees) will be given to Alex Collier.

Alex Collier – Webinar – August 14, 2015 from LWO (c/o James Harkin) on Vimeo.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You can Afford will be Appreciated

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA


Or available Individually. With Video, Audio and PDF Transcript Available… 


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Thank You For Attending Alex Collier’s First Webinar!

Thank you to all of you who attended Alex Collier's first webinar today. The response has been fantastic. There was some great information shared throughout the 90 minute presentation including 30 minutes of questions and answers. Although Alex's laptop stopped working at the hour mark, we had the technology to be able to call him straight back and get him back on air within moments. So, from myself (James Harkin, creator of a big thank you to Alex for a fascinating discussion and thank you to JayPee from for hosting the webinar.

Alex Collier

Those of you who were unable to attend live will receive a replay announcement tomorrow morning, so you will not miss out.

There were a few problems with the ticket ordering process. Not everyone was able to get to the webinar registration form after payment. Many people were emailing Alex who doesn't get access to the Internet often and we were unable to help get access to all that paid. We apologise for these little issues. I have asked Alex to send me all the emails so I can message everyone who didn't get a confirmation email to be able to attend the webinar. If you signed up and didn't receive a confirmation email and haven't already emailed Alex or myself, please email me (James Harkin creator of and I will help you.

For those of you who didn't know about the webinar, it will be available for pay-per-view on Wednesday (I am currently uploading it, apologies for the delay). All funds received from the pay-per-view will be given to Alex.

As a special treat for everyone who visits on Monday August 10th, 2015 myself, JayPee (from had a 30 minute taster of what Alex spoke about today. So, as a thank you for your continued support for Alex Collier, we have produced a little video for you, enjoy…

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You can Afford will be Appreciated

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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August Webinar Replay Now Available!

Alex Collier


Alex hosted his first 90 minute LIVE webinar including Questions and Answers.

Friday 14th August 2015

Webinar Replay Available

 Alex Collier Webinar Special

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NEW ALEX COLLIER INTERVIEW – Robert Potter – Victory of the Light with Guest Alex Collier – June 25th, 2015

Great news! Alex Collier was interviewed by Robert Potter from Victory of the Light on Pyramid One Network Radio on June 25th, 2015.


Robert Potter Victory of the Light with Guest Alex Collier 06-25-2015 Part 1 by Pyramid One Network Radio on Mixcloud


Robert Potter Victory of the Light with Guest Alex Collier 06-25-2015 Part 2 by Pyramid One Network Radio on Mixcloud

Also Available At YouTube

Alex Collier will be attending the Mt. Shasta Summer Conference – Interplanetary Cultural Exchange on August 19-23, 2015. To purchase tickets for this event and meet Alex Collier in person please click the banner below:

Mt. Shasta Summer Conference - Interplanetary Cultural Exchange

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You can Afford will be Appreciated

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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Black Knight

We have received a new message from Alex Collier:

This is information I was given to me regarding the Black Knight Satellite that is seen at times in our orbit. Referred to as ”BK“ from now on.

Alex Collier
Alex Collier

According to the A’s The Body of the “BK” is made of grown and manufactured alloys and Meteor metals. They have some type of organic memory and can repair themselves.

In earth years, its said to be well over 10,833 years old. It was not built specifically for earth. It is one of roughly 5 million that scan the galaxy. The A’s said that they have been built in two solar systems both of which are around the Orion star Alnitak (in our language) but are not on our star charts. They were built by mechanized androids who can work in any environment. The satellites were made in different configurations. The interior hardware and mechanism are grown inside each shell and or fuselage and then are activated with intelligent programmed similar to software but fully capable of analytical thinking.

The ”BK” in our systems is powered by a cognitive fluid that is black in color and has DNA markers of its owners.

The A’s have said the” BK” devices are scattered throughout the galaxy and, have been in operation for many, many thousands of years. They are scientific in intentional operations. They gather all types of readings based of atmosphere, geology, oceanic and different type of species. Moraney said that the” BK” can speak with highly evolved life forms which include Dolphins and analyze data that is shared. He suggested that the” BK” can interact with ET’s that it is programmed to identify as friendly. However this programming cannot be done by anyone other than the builders of the satellites.

It is near impossible to capture one of these” BK” as they have intercept and avoidance defense systems that are highly evolved. When I asked about the signal that the” BK” sends out to a destination in the Betelgeuse system. I was told this data point is not the point of origin.

I was told that the data from all of the satellites is used to update star charts and life analysis for specific races passing through or traveling throughout the galaxy. Sort of an Auto Club Service for space faring nations.

I will continue to share my data and expand on earlier released info. I am sharing this data with no copyright privilege what so ever. You can do as you please. I am sharing only what I have been told. This the perspective of Vasais and or Moraney. Nothing more.


If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You can Afford will be Appreciated

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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Alex Collier Latest – Update Letter 2 – November 2014

We have received a new message from Alex Collier regarding what is happening in the world right now…

Alex Collier
Alex Collier

I want to expand if I may on my last letter to you all, and share more of my prospective on what’s going on around Earth. And there appears to be quite a bit. However, is it all on purpose? Or is it really just so corrupt that it’s falling apart on the weight of its own deceit. It’s probably a combination of both. In politics nothing happens by accident.

I would like to say that in no way is this situation hopeless, or incurable. Of course if we the people of Earth had been or were more self reliant and protective of our liberties and managed the national governments we most likely would not be in this position. But regardless here we are.

So how bad are we going to let this get? Is everything so bad that the PTB only solution is to remove 2/3 of the population? No. Not even close. And why would we ever buy into such bullshit? Take for example the Earth’s space fleet. It’s international in scope. It required the talents and resources of the whole planet to pull it together. The planning and building of such crafts. The reverse and engineering of the technology to make any of them get off the ground is nothing short of remarkable. The training of different types of astronauts’. The training to live in space. The new medical processes needed to maintain health in space, healing, operating, etc. The propulsion systems and fuel needed to generate space travel. Hyper dimensional travel and its affects on the body and the mind, the type of food that will grow in space and or zero gravity, the logistics of just about everything that would be needed to sustain a daily routine apart from Earth. The protocols’ needed in approaching a planet, the science and geology of planetary systems and of course the protocols’ of contact in space with other races.

Entirely new sciences, logistics, engineering, training, spirituality, genetic sciences, etc, were all created in the last 75 years and almost entirely done in secret. This is the most remarkable achievement of mankind in the last 9,000 years. And we were not invited to the party. Why? Simply put, Rogue groups of ET’s are using Earth as a base and everything on it and in it as a natural resource. I have shared this before. If we are capable of creating this completely new off world paradigm in just 75 years, why is the surface of the planet so screwed up? Because the PTB want it this way.

They want us distracted, and in a powerless position, because they fear our true power. They are doing everything they can to convince us all that we cannot manage or govern ourselves. So that when the day comes to ask and or insist that we as a planetary races surrender our freewill and sovereignty, we will have been beaten down into submission, by our governments, religions and environmentalists that are blaming humanity and that we are a plight, a mistake, and sinners in their kingdom.

This position of there’s, is of course all bullshit. These groups have lied, murdered, and destroyed our history as much as they could from us; they have committed treason against all of humanity both past, present and the future of us, for power and control. They could at anytime have come clean and changed how we all view ourselves. They could have instilled a pride and pioneer spirit that would have renewed our ability to believe and empower every single human being on this planet. But they haven’t. I say that’s enough. We can believe next to nothing of what we are being told by the corporate media. They are willing and naïve pawns in this game to claim earth away from us. It’s coming. But, only if we let them.

Almost everyone now see’s the contrast, of what they don’t want and are really beginning to think about what they do want. In other words the automatic pilot is coming off and people are waking up. This is truly an exciting time to be alive.

So, why all the secrecy? Why the erasing of history? Why the lack of true spiritual teaching? Simply put they the PTB (ET included) do not want us empowered. They want our frequency vibrating at a low level, so we can be managed. Why the full court press at this time? Because in the next several years, we will be entering and crossing the Plasma field of the Galactic plane. I would encourage you to research this. Many very talented and wise speakers are out there sharing this info. It’s nothing short of a spiritual and holographic dimensional Paradigm shift.

This is why the PAATAL are here. They this collective group of conscious beings have incarnated here to hold and guide us back to the frequency of love though all of this upheaval we are about to experience. That’s their job. To hold the vibration of love. You see when the regressive ET’s quietly invaded they began to shift our planets vibration. Because of their own deep intense dominate and control consciousness, they changed everything on the surface over thousands of years. We would have had a different future and present had they not invaded. But that’s another story.

The Paatal are here to put us back on track and it is working. Do you again see the contrast that is all around you? Its rather amazing when you start to really see it and empower yourself to change from what is, to what you really want.

It’s not about power. Never was. It’s about being who you are and being supported by the spiritual power of “ALL THAT IS” to support you in becoming who you are. A generator of dimensions. Do you recall my sharing about being in nature? Nature doesn’t lie. It’s steady, quiet and very grounding.

I don’t mean that you have to become Grizzly Adams or Daniel Boone. Just take a little time to quiet your mind and body, and feel your own frequency. Allow yourself to remember what self love feels like. Your body will remember. Just give it a chance. I have all the faith in the world in you. Freedom to unconditional be responsible for oneself, without being coerced to accept some higher authority. You are already what you have been searching for. Love to you all.

I will send another letter soon, Alex

To those few who have helped me ,You forever have my thanks and gratitude. Bless you and those you love.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You can Afford will be Appreciated

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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